We will be sharing some of our interesting posts over the years at least a couple a day from now until the close of Google+ consumer side. This is the third one for today revolving around health.
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Louis Pasteur died on September 28, 1895, at the age of 72. Louis Pasteur had deep education in Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, and got his PhD in Chemistry in France.
Louis Pasteur contributions span in the areas of Chemistry through the determination of the presence of enantiomers or mirror-image molecules, Pasteurization in Food processing, and Vaccination in the medical area. He, like me, was a polymath spanning various areas and contributed extensively in different fields. By the way, he was not a medical doctor, but a research doctor, and even now physicians use the technique of vaccination on a regular basis to prevent the spread of diseases.
#chemistry #medicine #health #vaccination #vaccine #physics #polarized #light #cholera #france #french #louis #pasteur #mirror #image #enantiomer #food #pasteurization #processing #val-u-pro #consulting #group #amma #ammaecosystem #ecosystem #sri #ssk #srikanthskidambi #srikanthsrinivasankidambi
Louis Pasteur contributions span in the areas of Chemistry through the determination of the presence of enantiomers or mirror-image molecules, Pasteurization in Food processing, and Vaccination in the medical area. He, like me, was a polymath spanning various areas and contributed extensively in different fields. By the way, he was not a medical doctor, but a research doctor, and even now physicians use the technique of vaccination on a regular basis to prevent the spread of diseases.
#chemistry #medicine #health #vaccination #vaccine #physics #polarized #light #cholera #france #french #louis #pasteur #mirror #image #enantiomer #food #pasteurization #processing #val-u-pro #consulting #group #amma #ammaecosystem #ecosystem #sri #ssk #srikanthskidambi #srikanthsrinivasankidambi
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