September 24th, 1919
His name was Babe Ruth, but he was not an ordinary Babe to play the game of base ball. Babe Ruth scored his 28th homer for the season on this day breaking the previous record for the maximum number of homers for the season. Babe Ruth ended up with one more home run for the season finishing his tally with 29 home runs..
Babe Ruth continued with his record breaking spree in the years 1920, 1921, and 1927, and was the first player to be paid $50000 or more in that sport.
#SurveyDonkey #Monkey #Middle #Finger #HumpDay #Hump #Survey #AmmATV #AmmAEcosystem #Eco #System #Ecosystem #Animal #King #dom #kingdom #Donkey #Val-u-pro #consulting #group #llc #IandI #Productastic #icare #ucare #iucare #uicare #wecare #mewecare #wemecare #gif #igif #gifi #hump #humpday #wed #wednesday #day #srikanthskidambi #srikanthkidambi #ssk #sri #srikanth #kanth #kant #kaan #koon #khan #Babe #Ruth #Spectacular #Sunday #Sun #Day #OTD #Babe #Ruth #BabeRuth #Boston #NY #NewYork #Yankees #RedSox #Baseball #Ball #Base #New #Red #Sox #Yank #York #Bos #Ton
His name was Babe Ruth, but he was not an ordinary Babe to play the game of base ball. Babe Ruth scored his 28th homer for the season on this day breaking the previous record for the maximum number of homers for the season. Babe Ruth ended up with one more home run for the season finishing his tally with 29 home runs..
Babe Ruth continued with his record breaking spree in the years 1920, 1921, and 1927, and was the first player to be paid $50000 or more in that sport.
#SurveyDonkey #Monkey #Middle #Finger #HumpDay #Hump #Survey #AmmATV #AmmAEcosystem #Eco #System #Ecosystem #Animal #King #dom #kingdom #Donkey #Val-u-pro #consulting #group #llc #IandI #Productastic #icare #ucare #iucare #uicare #wecare #mewecare #wemecare #gif #igif #gifi #hump #humpday #wed #wednesday #day #srikanthskidambi #srikanthkidambi #ssk #sri #srikanth #kanth #kant #kaan #koon #khan #Babe #Ruth #Spectacular #Sunday #Sun #Day #OTD #Babe #Ruth #BabeRuth #Boston #NY #NewYork #Yankees #RedSox #Baseball #Ball #Base #New #Red #Sox #Yank #York #Bos #Ton

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